Sunday, January 25, 2009

An Invitation to Tea

Please Join Us for a Complimentary

Cup of Tea & Something Sweet

Tea Time

Tuesdays at 2PM

Charleston Antique Mall

307 W. Charleston Blvd.

Las Vegas, NV 89102

An invitation to tea brings to mind many different scenarios: the formal Victorian style tea, the church tea, the garden tea and of course, simply sipping a friendly cup of tea with a loved one or neighbor.

Emily Post, the author best known for her books on etiquette wrote in the 1922 edition of Teas and Other Afternoon Parties: '....the difference between a reception and a tea is one of atmosphere only, like the difference in furnishing twin houses. 3 A"tea" even though it be formal, is nevertheless friendly and inviting. One does not go in "church" clothes nor with ceremonious manner; but in an informal and every-day spirit, to see one's friends and be seen by them.4
Emily Post (1872-1960) Chapter XIII

For a lady born during the Victorian era, Post's view of tea time etiquette suits us perfectly today. We invite you to a casual tea on Tuesdays at 2PM.
While the "Tea" may be casual, the idea of joining together for a cup of tea and something sweet does have a romantic ring to it. Some of the great poet's and authors romanticized tea time, so you see it's not just me. For instance, from the Oxford Dictionary of Quotations:
"Come, little cottage girl, you seem
To want my cup of tea;
And will you take a little cream?
Now tell the truth to me."
She had a rustic, woodland grin,
Her cheek was soft as silk,
And she replied, "Sir, please put in
A little drop of milk"
The cozy fire is bright and gay,
The merry kettle boils away
And hums a cheerful song.
I sing the saucer and the cup;
Pray Mary, fill the teapot up,
And do not make it strong.
The Poets at Tea, Cowper
On the lighter side is this excerpt from a familiar story by Lewis Carroll:
"Take some more tea" the March Hare said to Alice, very earnestly.
"I've had nothing yet," Alice replied in an offended tone, "so I can't take more."
"You mean you can't take less" said the Hatter, "it's very easy to take more than nothing."
Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, chap.1
It's truly the little things like sharing or serving a cup of tea that can make for very special moments even on an otherwise ordinary day. Please join us on Tuesdays at 2PM.